

Here are details of some of our fees to give you an idea of what using Burch Phillips & Co. might cost you. 


Our fee for a single straightforward Will is £275.00 plus VAT. For two Wills which are "mirror" Wills, the fee is £450.00 plus VAT.


We have a fixed fee of £850.00 plus VAT for obtaining a Grant of Probate to an estate where no Inheritance Tax Account is required (usually estates worth less than £325,000).

For more complicated estates we charge at an hourly rate of £300.00 and £30.00 for each letter written, both  plus VAT. Where we deal with collecting asset information and the distribution of assets to the beneficiaries, we may charge up to 1% of the gross estate plus VAT.

In all cases there will be a Probate Fee which is presently £273.00 plus £1.50 for each additional copy of the Grant of Probate required.

Residential Conveyancing

Download our Report on the Conveyancing Transaction (both sale and purchase) and Sample Conveyancing Fees here:
Introductory Report on the Conveyancing Transaction Sample Conveyancing Fees
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